Home » Grade 1A/B

Grade 1A/B

Teachers: Patricia Morelli and Liz Dineen


Teachers may be contacted any time via email or phone. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers with any questions or concerns.

Homework Procedures

Homework will be posted daily on Google Classroom.  Homework is to be completed daily and signed by a parent.

  Grading Procedure

Students will be evaluated on their daily work, class participation, homework completion, tests, quizzes, and quality of individual and/or group projects.

Service Project

Each family will be asked to donate a food item to contribute to a Thanksgiving Food Basket which will be delivered to a parish family in need. We will participate in the same Service Project at Easter.

Discipline Procedures

Each classroom seeks to foster the values of a Catholic, Christian community:  kindness, courtesy, respect, and cooperation.  Please refer to the policies outlined in the Student Handbook.