Home » Grade 2A/B

Grade 2A/B

Teachers: Debbie Dailey and Teresa Shumock

Star of the Week


Teachers may be contacted any time via email or phone. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers with any questions or concerns.

Homework Procedures

Although homework will be posted daily on Google classroom, it will be the responsibility of the student to copy assignments accurately and completely into his/her planner during the course of the school day.

These procedures will be in place:

  • Homework is to be completed daily and signed by a parent.
  • If homework is not completed, the student will sign the classroom homework book.
  • More than three missing assignments during a trimester will result in a reduced grade on the report card.

Grading Procedure

Students will be evaluated on their daily work, class participation, homework completion, tests, quizzes and quality of individual and/or group projects.

Service Projects

Throughout the year students will pray for and make cards for sick and home-bound individuals.  Students will also contribute an item(s) for a Christmas meal for a less fortunate parish family.

Discipline Procedures

Each classroom seeks to foster the values of a Catholic, Christian community:  kindness, courtesy, respect, and cooperation.  Please refer to the policies outlined in the School Handbook.