Home » Grade 4A/B

Grade 4A/B

Christina Chitjian

 4A Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies & 4A/B Religion

Gretchen Booth

4B Mathematics, English Language Arts, Social Studies & 4A/4B Science


 Teachers may be contacted any time via email. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers with any questions or concerns.

Homework Procedures

Although homework will be posted daily on the Google classroom, it will be the responsibility of the student to copy assignments accurately and completely into his/her planner during the course of the school day.

In Grade Four, these procedures will be in place:

  • Homework assignments will be placed on the homework board each day for students to copy into their assignment books.
  • Parents will need to review their child’s assignments for completeness and initial the assignment book each night.

Grading Procedure

In Grade Four, grading will include tests, quizzes, class work, class attention, class participation, completion and quality of homework and on task behaviors when working independently.  If a student has difficulty in an area, he/she will be encouraged to seek extra help.  This can be done either through the student’s request for help from their teacher or a parent’s request for the same.

Service Project

This year, the students in Grade Four will participate in a year-long service project.  The students will participate in two outreach service activities.


Each classroom seeks to foster the values of a Catholic, Christian community: kindness, courtesy, justice, respect, hospitality and cooperation. Please refer to policies outlined in the School Handbook.