Home » Spanish


Teacher: Monica Morales

Grades PreK – 8


Teachers may be contacted any time via email or phone. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers with any questions or concerns.

Homework Procedures

Homework and long term projects when assigned will be posted on OptionC Learning Management System, for Grades 1 – 8. It will be the responsibility of the student to copy assignments accurately and completely into his/her planner.

Grading Policy

In Spanish class, students in Grades 4 to 8 will receive a numeric grade of “1” –“4” indicating the level of performance demonstrated. (see rubric). Grades will be based upon quizzes/tests, homework, in-class assignments, project work and participation.

Discipline Procedures

Each classroom seeks to foster the values of a Catholic, Christian community: kindness, courtesy, justice, respect, hospitality and cooperation. Please refer to policies outlined in the School Handbook.