Home » Grades 7 and 8

Grades 7 and 8

7A Homeroom Teacher

Mary Ann Alcaro – 7A/7B Science & 8A/8B Science

7B Homeroom Teacher

Susan Baldassarre – 7A/7B Social Studies & 8A/8B English Language Arts

8A Homeroom Teacher

Melissa Rockovich – 7A/7B English Language Arts & 8A/8B Religion

8B Homeroom Teacher

Kristen Cohan – 7 Traditional Math, 8 Traditional Math & 8A/8B Social Studies

Deb Convery – 7A/7B Religion


 Teachers may be contacted any time via email or phone. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers with any questions or concerns.


Teachers will post nightly homework, tests, quizzes and long-term assignments on the classroom whiteboard and on Google classrooms.  It is the students’ responsibility to copy assignments in their planners.

Long Term Assignments

While students will be encouraged to become more independent and responsible for their work, they still need their parents’ assistance with regard to managing deadlines. Long term assignments will be accompanied by a scoring rubric and set of directions at the time the project is assigned.

Make-Up Work For Absentees

A student will be encouraged to speak to the teachers if he/she is aware of an upcoming absence. Make-up work for all absences, but particularly for extended absences due to illness, will be scheduled in a timely, reasonable manner and will adhere to the school’s policy. Absences which are not due to illness should be limited.


The Middle Unit will give service to the community by contributing to Face to Face focusing on poverty relief.

Discipline Procedures

Each classroom seeks to foster the values of a Catholic, Christian community: reverence, kindness, courtesy, justice, respect, hospitality and cooperation. Please refer to policies outlined in the School Handbook.